Thought Bunker
Fight With Words! Live Nude Brain!

It goes like this:
- Two contestants pick words from a hat.
- Perhaps one gets puppy and one gets mountain.
- Perhaps one gets sky and one gets facelift.
- Perhaps one gets sandwich and one gets leg.
- The contestants have a brief time to prepare. While they prepare, there is a Live Nude Brain.
- The contestants must fight for their word — leg vs. sandwich, sandwich vs. leg.
- They must fight like they mean it. They must mean it.
- There are Judges. They will consider the audience response.
- The decision of the Judges is precocious, yet final. A winner is chosen.
- There are rounds. The winners move on. There will be prizes.
- Whoever wins against all other mortal contestants must compete in the final round.
- They must fight the big boss. They must fight THUNKER.